Our Professionals

Riccardo De Stefano

Riccardo De Stefano


Riccardo graduated with honors in Accounting and Private Practice from the University of Florence in 2019.
He has been a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Florence since 2021 and specializes in business valuation and tax litigation.
He participated as a speaker at the Conference "Negotiated reality and tax reality" of the course "Direct and Indirect Taxes," focusing on family pact. 

Studio Tributario Associato
Manfriani Melani Giuntoli

Viale Bernardo Segni, 1/3 - 50132 Firenze
E-mail: segreteria@manfrianieassociati.it | Phone: 055.7189278 | Fax: 055.7189279
P.IVA/CF: 05575690481 - Pec: segreteriasta@pec.it

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