Our Professionals

Maria Monteleone

Maria Monteleone


Graduated from the University of Florence in 1998, she is enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants of Florence and in the Register of Auditors of the same city.
During her professional career, she has worked within the Ernst Young and Deloitte networks. She has been working with Studio Tributario Associato since 2006.
Dr. Monteleone is also registered in the roll of CTU at the Court of Florence where she carries out technical consultancy mainly in the field of bank compounding.  
She is an expert in accounting consultancy, compliance and tax litigation.

Studio Tributario Associato
Manfriani Melani Giuntoli

Viale Bernardo Segni, 1/3 - 50132 Firenze
E-mail: segreteria@manfrianieassociati.it | Phone: 055.7189278 | Fax: 055.7189279
P.IVA/CF: 05575690481 - Pec: segreteriasta@pec.it

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